羽球課程內容包括該運動項目特性、起源及國內外發展情形,基本技術及規則之指導、相關運動傷害防護知識及對該運動欣賞能力之建立、自我練習方法與可用場地資源之介紹,運動規則及裁判法之演練等,以作為其選擇終身運動之基礎。學生利用課餘時間上網觀賞教學影片輔助練習,加強基本動作學習要領,並熟練後運用在比賽實戰練習,增加比賽經驗,進而熟悉比賽規則及戰略戰術運用。藉由基本技術的練習及測驗, 提升本身對於羽球運動的認識與愛好, 再將基本技術運用在比賽練習上, 熟悉比賽規則, 充分達到運動健身之效果,並培養終身運動的習慣。The goals of this instructional course are to get you started in this wonderful sport and to give you a specific knowledge of badminton. It would help you to understand the basics of a sport and how to perform these basics. Most of the course will focus on the basic stroke techniques. Variation to those techniques will be presented, as well as drills and games, so that you can take it to the court. Singles and doubles tactics will be covered as well. Therefore, the students can form a good habit of regular pattern of exercise, furthermore, they can enjoy the happy of exercise, and to improve the quality of live.
- Giáo viên: 洪欣正 1366