景文科技大學 110學年度「大二 英文() 視傳G1課程表   


INSTRUCTOR: 夏珮玲Peiling Hsia   (hsia100678@yahoo.com.tw )

TIME OFFERED:   Thursday 10am-12pm     @  I 204

TEXTBOOK: LiveABC Outstanding 3

 OBJECTIVES:  From the textbook and class activities, students will be able to improve English proficiency in comprehending reading materials, activate knowledge, increase reading fluency and cultivate topic-related vocabulary.



1.        Tardiness: Don’t be late. You will lose points for being late. (遲到會扣分  2次遲到等於1次缺席)

2.        Absence: You will lose points for being absent. (出席很重要 缺席曠課會扣分)

3.        If you are absent for 5 times, you CANNOT pass this class. Show your teacher your Proof of Absence if you cannot come. (曠課五次或以上 出席及參與成績0 / 請遵守學校請假程序)

4.        無故缺考期中或期末考試者 該次考試成績以零分計算

5.        Please turn off or MUTE your cell phone during class time.

上課請勿使用手機 與課程無相關的網頁瀏覽 聊天 遊戲  會扣分

6.        Keep the classroom clean. (垃圾請帶走 保持教室乾淨)


     Attendance = 10%

     Participation = 20%

     Group Report = 10%  (4-6ppl / 10-15mins)

     Exam -midterm = 30%

     Exam –final  = 30%